Take aways from internship at Microsoft
Decision-making strategy: For each requirement from PM, I would raise up multiple design treatments. By listing out the pros and cons can help us make appropriate decisions more efficiently. And developing cost is an important role in decision making, so cooperation with DEVs and PMs are so necessary.
Details leverage the quality of design: The unity and harmony accurate to the pixel ensures high-quality design deliverables.
Take advantage of design review: Share the design works with peers, receiving challenges and learning from feedback.
The features that I worked on
*Pros: consent panel won’t interrupt user browsing experience and con be easily noticed.
*Cons: The user cannot dismiss the consent panel without turning on, and the area of search results may be limited
*Pros: consent panel won’t interrupt user browsing experience, user can scroll left and right to see step by step.
*Cons: Panel over panel might be wired.
Search history management Redesign
Figure out reliable design directions by analyzing data.
It is an important basic function for the management of search histories, such as selecting items or clearing all. But current data shows that only 0.5% of users would long-press the search history to edit and pin to top is rarely used.
(History data from PM.)
Redesign direction of history directions:
- Provide an additional entry point to the search history page.
- Simplify delete and clear all actions
- Remove the Pin to the top feature.
​​Keep long-press behavior, add an entry point above keyboard and take user to profile page for actions.
Swipe left to delete search history, dd an entry point above keyboard and take user to profile page for actions.
camera search loading motion design
Use loading animation to express visual recognition.
Camera search needs time to detect and analyze items and offer search results. To avoid user feeling boring or confused, we need to leverage the loading animation. Based on the concepts of spot, circle, and line, I developed three types of loading animations.