August Wilson wrote nine famous plays taking place in Pittsburgh's Hill District in different decades of the 20th century. This app allows users to visit the Hill in two of those decades and dive deep into the historical contexts.
10 weeks
My role
UX/UI Designer (with other 4 team members)
Enjoy the trailer video to know more about the design details !
Project Highlights

Development Process​

Project background introduction
Utilize modern technology to reproduce the works of the great Africa-American playwright August Wilson.
August Wilson (April 27, 1945 – October 2, 2005) was an American playwright. He is best known for a series of ten plays collectively called The Pittsburgh Cycle, which chronicle the experiences and heritage of the African-American community in the 20th century. Plays in the series include, Jitney (1982), Fences (1984), Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (1984), Joe Turner's Come and Gone (1986), The Piano Lesson (1987), King Hedley II (1999).

Our mission
We aim to create an immersive experience that will help guests learn more about, as well as connect with, the people and culture found in August Wilson’s works.
We hope to engage the guest with the Hill District that August Wilson lived in and used as inspiration for his plays.
Game Flow
​Travel back through AR scene and 2D scene to fully explore Hill District in certain them periods.
Background story severs as motivation to travel through the storyline in the onboarding section. In gameplay section, users can travel back through ar and 2D scenes. After finishing the task in the 1910s, users can enter the 1960s. At the ending section, the user will see the end of the story with credits.

1. click the tags in AR map to enter the building
2. click dialogue bubbles and interactive items
5.view interactive items details

3.view dialogue dialogues
6. collect missing photos
7. check the photo album
​AR experience
How We Leveraged the AR to Improve Game Experience ?
- Comparing with location-based experience, AR immersive content during the Covid situation properly
- AR environment could showcase more historical detailed information

Playtesting feedbacks & Iteration
Heatmap and task success rate data could reveal whether the design is suitable for the audience.
47 propel participant in the online playlets, and the success rate is 85.7%. Show that the general interaction makes sense and easy to understand.
The heatmap indicates which item users are most interested in, and which items are easily ignored or clicked by mistake. So we did some iteration based on them, such as add candle fire and single, add description to each photo.